Leiderhosen, Dirndls, and Spaetzle {Europe Trip: Germany}

After having spending all my money shopping in London and having a fabulous high tea, Jon was done with his work portion of the trip so it was time to go on vacation! We took a quick plane and train ride over to Germany to meet our friends Melissa and Justin who just moved there. Justin got a job at Adidas and the headquarters is outside of Nuremberg. Did you know that it’s not called a-deed-as and it’s really called ah-dee-das? I didn’t either.

Reunited and it feels so good!

We explored the quaint city of Nuremberg for three days with some historical site seeing, beer drinking, bretzen eating, and trachten shopping.

We hopped over to Rothenburg ob der Tauber for one night and spent the day buying trinkets in the little funky stores, including the biggest year round Christmas store I have ever laid eyes on. I did not know so many Christmas decorations existed. An unnatural desire for christmas ornaments kicked in when I saw them in every color, design, and shape imaginable.

Most of Jon’s family has been to Rothenburg and, for whatever reason, has taken a jumping picture in the center of town. Needless to say, we had to do the same.

He might have gotten a little more air than me.

The last time I went to Germany, I was so close to buying a dirndl but I backed out due to the hefty price tag. My dad could not believe it as he informed me that it is a lifelong investment that everydunn needs.  I have witnessed him get a ridiculous amount of good use out of his leiderhosen over the years at Halloween, costume parties, etc. so there was no way I was going to skip this opportunity again. Luckily, Melissa might be an even bigger supporter of the German outfit than my father and accompanied us to all the trachten (traditional German clothing) shops in town until we found our prized outfits.

And let’s get to the good stuff…the food. Meat, sausage, potatoes, oh my! I’d say below is the men’s version of  what I like to call a three tiered beauty.

The food was heavier than I am used to but so flavorful. My grandma makes a mean sauerbraten, so when I recognized it on the menu among the other foreign German words I ordered it and I’m sure glad I did.

That and cheesy spaetzle were my favorite meals of the trip.

Jon somehow found beef goulash on the menu everywhere we went and did not hesitate when ordering it for the third, maybe fourth time. Let’s not forget the apfelstreusel for dessert!

The German portion of our trip went by too fast, but Vienna was awaiting us! Third and final part coming soon.

16 Responses

  1. What a fun trip! Guess I better get my plane reservations to I can eat all that spaetzle and shop the Christmas store. Fun to see photos of my favorite people. Melissa sure enjoyed having visitors from home.
    Melissa’s Mom

  2. Oh boy!!!! Crab stuffed deviled egges and a sausage “tower”. When does the next plane leave? Great posting. Thank you

  3. Great and FUN pictures!!! Looks like you guys had a ball and love the “attire”, jumping shot and the xmas store! Wow! (oh, and the food!!) yumm!!!

  4. Love the outfits! You both look good in them. And the “jumping pictures” are way better than ours. Outstanding.

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful trip, love the little video clip of you jumping! Dirndls and Lederhosen are lovely, so much fun and we especially love European Style!

  6. This is my first time looking at your website…loving it! I went to Rothenburg about 12 years ago…and went to the Christmas store too! Great pictures – they brought me right back to Germany. Glad you had a great time!

    1. thanks Caitlin! (love the name and spelling btw:) I can’t wait to put out my new xmas knick knacks from the store:) thanks for stopping by my site!

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