DIY Ask Your Bridesmaids Gift

More wedding talk! I know, it’s a little much. But when most of your free time is spent dreaming up craft projects on a normal day, can you imagine what happens when you are handed the golden crafting opportunity…a wedding?? Well, let me give you a little taste.

It’s called ridiculous & useless, yet thoughtful & cute ask-your-bridesmaids gifts.

I knew for about a month who I was going to ask to be my bridesmaids, but I had to think of the perfect way to ask them. I saw these fun wine & champagne bottles and these very cute cookies, but when I saw this box, I knew I had to make my own version.

My last name is soon to be “Ball” and since it is so easy to rhyme with, I decided to make a little poem and attach a little something to each verse.

Here it goes:

As you know, I am tying the knot

And there are a few things I need that cannot be bought.

I need someone to keep me calm on this special day

And be a lifesaver if things go astray.

I need a buddy out on the dance floor

And a friend to remind me not to worry about the decor.

Last but not least and most of all

I need someone by my side as I become Mrs. Ball.

Will you be my bridesmaid?

If you are looking for a fun way to ask your bridesmaids, this one is fairly simple and is easy to personalize by changing up the poem. Just grab a box, print your poem, buy some silly items off amazon, add a little gift wrap and decoration, and give them to you future bridesmaids!

Thank goodness they all said “YES!”


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