Fünf means five in German and I think it’s such a funny word. In hopes to use this word as much as possible, I am going to do a little weekly series. Show you all a peek of my daily life in Zürich with five pictures each week (the term ‘weekly’ is used loosely so don’t get your hopes too high). So here goes…
Zürich celebrated the burning of the Böögg with a weekend festival of activities. We celebrated with a stick of meat. The time it takes the giant Snowman to burn signifies when Spring will come. The time it took Jon to eat this stick of meat signified that it’s time for barbecue season whether Spring comes or not.
Rug shopping might be the ultimate activity to make you feel like an adult. In order to butter you up before spending a boatload of money you never knew you could possibly spend on a rug, they serve you a nice cup of tea.
In attempts to make friends through meetup groups, I have been forced to indulge in some more Swiss chocolate. I made some new friends alright. Their names are Hot Chocolate, Cookie Sandwich, and Non Pareil.
And in similar news, we had a friend over for dinner which gave me an excuse to buy an Apfeltorte.
Luckily the desserts are good, because we have had some serious Mexican food withdrawals. I already ventured to the one Mexican grocery store in Zürich (which also happens to be the only place in Zürich where I can speak their language), bought some masa harina, and we have been busy making our own tortillas and tacos ever since.
Happy Freitag Friday everyone! Yes, that means Friday Friday but who doesn’t want to get down on Friday?