Friday Fünf {week two}

After two months of living out of a suitcase, we were ready to get our stuff back. We moved into our “permanent” apartment last week which meant the moving company could finally deliver our things! These things came into our apartment on this really cool lift through our balcony. Did I mention we have a balcony? Well, we do. Two actually. It’s pretty exciting.

When I got my closet back, my old clothes felt brand new and wonderful all over again. It’s true what they say; absence really does make the heart grow fonder, even when it comes to stuff. As much as I loved my new used clothes, I was even more excited to get my kitchen back. I felt a little trapped in our temporary housing without my normal kitchen supplies. My spices, measuring cups, and measuring spoons were gladly received and quickly put to good use.

The first use came in the form of Chocolate “Chunk” Cookies. They don’t sell chocolate chips here. Gifts that start with “Tollhouse” will be kindly accepted at any time. Luckily, chunks of Swiss chocolate aren’t an awful replacement.

Now this Swiss chocolate would be too good to chop up just for cookies. Nice to sweet you to, Caramel Brownie. You taste perfect all on your own.

In other good news, the April snow showers finally decided to bring us some May flowers.

But, the flowers got me distracted at the market and somehow I accidentally spent $12 on one bunch of asparagus. I don’t even really like asparagus.

Now we are just working on getting our apartment organized and I am happily testing new healthy recipes in my kitchen. Adding to the Friday Fünf, I’ll fill you in on my top fünf recipes of the week:

1. These black bean burgers.

2. Pineapple Shrimp Fried Rice (but hopefully you have better tasting shrimp than Switzerland).

3. When you can’t find bread crumbs in your German grocery store, make some Corn Flake Crusted Chicken instead.

4. If you overspend on your asparagus, might as well try this Lemon Goat Cheese Asparagus recipe.

5. And if you ever make brown rice, please read this tutorial. I swear you will thank me later.

And that’s it folks!

Happy Friday!







One Response

  1. Well, if you will bring me one of those Chocolate Bars to Portugal I will bring you some tollhouse chips.
    I can’t wait to see your abode. xoxoxo

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