Friday Fünf {swiss chocolate}

I know I just talked about eating healthy, but basically I eat healthy most of the time so I can indulge in chocolate, and most recently; Swiss chocolate. Lately, I’ve had a lot of visitors, so I had to let them experience my favorite part about this city- the chocolate, of course. Let me give you a little taste of what this country has to offer. 

First up, we have the the most-expensive-but-well-worth-it hot chocolate at Cafe Schober. It’s thick, creamy, sweet, and just overall amazing. 

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Next up, we have Honold Confiserie. They recently hosted a 1-week chocolate tram that rode around the city for 20 minutes while we enjoyed cakes, truffles, and hot chocolate (a richer version than Schober–my personal fave). In my humble opinion, this is the best chocolate shop. 

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Lastly, if you are ever looking for a day trip, I would highly suggest taking the train to Broc to visit the famous Cailler factory. 

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 Now owned by Nestle, this factory has a fun, interactive tour about how chocolate was discovered and how it made it’s way to Switzerland. The best part is you get as much free chocolate as your little heart desires at the end of the tour. I could have sat there and stuffed chocolate in my mouth for an hour, but sadly, my friend did not have the same sweet tooth as I. 

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You even get to see the chocolate in production, as seen here in my instagram video. It reminded us of the I Love Lucy chocolate scene while watching the chocolates stroll down the line. Unfortunately, there was no Lucy and Ethel to be found behind the production line, just machines at work. 

Have a sweet Friday afternoon!

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