Pretzel Bracelets & Oktoberfest

This time last year at Oktoberfest, it was a mere three of us plotting ways to get our friends to join us the following year. I have no idea how they did it, but the guys managed to coral their high school buddies and their ladies for a rowdy weekend in Munich. And then there were nine.


I’m a firm believer that its not about where you are, but who you are with. Meaning that I have had fun at every city’s version of Oktoberfest I’ve been to because I was with good friends. But, when you can combine an awesome “where you are” with a good group of “who you are with,” you are bound to have a pretty great time.

Oktoberest Group

The last of the group arrived on Friday evening, and within minutes, they had their outfits on and we were ready to prance about in our lederhosen and dirndls. And here is how the weekend went:

We drank big steins of German beer. Oktoberfest_3

We looked the part while drinking said beer.


We played carnival games. (and won!) Oktoberfest_9

We went on carnival rides.


We ate a lot of pretzels and sausages.


And now our bodies are paying for it.


Since my outfit preparation was already done, this year I decided I wanted to accessorize. This accessorizing included Oktoberfest nail art and clay pretzel bracelets. The pretzel bracelets were super easy to make, so I went ahead and made one for all the girls. I think they were a good outfit addition if I do say so myself!

Clay Pretzel Bracelet_13

To make them, you need some Fimo or Sculpey clay, gold paint or nail polish, scissors, and cording.

All you do is roll out the dough and fold it into a pretzel. Then you bake the clay according to the package instructions. Paint it with gold (or your own preference) and it’s ready for the bracelet!

Clay Pretzel

To make the bracelet, you want to cut two pieces of cording about 10-12 inches long each. Fold one piece in half and attach it the side of the pretzel with a simple knot. Repeat on the opposite side. Tie the ends together. Then use this tutorial to make a sliding knot.

Clay Pretzel Bracelet_12

I’d never done it before and it’s simpler than it looks! And who doesn’t want an adjustable bracelet that you can put on yourself?

Pretzel Bracelet Instructions

That’s it! Clay Pretzel Bracelet_1

Your beer drinking hand will never look so good. 

Clay Pretzel Bracelet_14

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