Five Pumpkin Recipes to Make This Weekend

I have an extensive pumpkin recipe collection. Yes, of course I love pumpkin, but I think the influx of pumpkin recipes on the blog of mine has more to do with the time of year. Even though I’m coming up on a decade of being out of school, I still have that September mentality that a new school year brings. Back to school, back to work, back to cooking in the kitchen, and back to blogging…and pumpkins just so happen to be readily available. So as I am working on creating some new pumpkin recipes, I dug out some oldies but goodies from the archives to get you in the fall mood. Plus, I hear that we might run out of pumpkin this year, so you got to act fast while the going is good! 

Make Your Own Pumpkin Puree_9

First off, you should be roasting your own pumpkins because homemade pumpkin puree is just better than a can. 

homemade pumpkin spice

Next thing to make is your pumpkin pie spice. The truth is that you can easily buy it too, but you probably have all the spices on hand and really, how often can you use your allspice? 

Healthy Pumpkin Pie_2

Now you are ready to make your first pumpkin pie. This one is vegan and gluten/grain free so you might as well just eat it for breakfast. 

pumpkin curry4

For lunch or dinner, you should probably kick your curry up a notch and add some pumpkin to it. 

Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies_2

And for dessert, you can either have more pie, or these yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies

Have I convinced you to add pumpkin to your shopping list yet? 


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