Welcome to teaspoon living!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This little blog of mine has been with me through many a changes. To think it all started with a dream to own a high tea room and a blog to document it. I remember when I was about to start the blog back in 2011 and I wanted to pay a professional designer to make it beautiful. The practical person in my life told me I should probably start blogging first and see if I actually liked it. What a concept, right? He didn’t think I’d actually stick with it. But here I am, 4+ years later, having baked many desserts, crafted up a storm, moved to Europe, shared our life and travels, and most currently, started cooking for everyday life.


And now I’m starting a new chapter in my life, and with this new chapter comes an update to this little blog of mine. You may notice a name change to teaspoon living. And you may notice I’m doing more than blogging these days. This past year, I’ve been back to (virtual) school to become a health coach, and I want to share with you what I’ve been learning. Recipes will still be coming, but the focus will be on savory dishes…with a side of dessert. Along with the recipes will include health tips/inspiration and the occasional snippets of my real life, just because. Last but not least, as a certified health coach, I have some fun offerings for you such as healthy meal plans, group courses, and personalized health coaching.


In whole, this will be a space for creating a healthy and happy life. I talk about mine, you talk about yours, and we can discuss the good times, the hard parts, and the fun. I want to show you that living a healthy life doesn’t have to include kale (though it can if you want!). My version of a healthy life is full of real food, cooking at home, trying new restaurants or old faves, spending time with loved ones, doing the things I enjoy the most, and finding time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.


{photo by julie norman}

Doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

I didn’t think so.

So sit back, relax, grab your reading glasses and a cup of tea, and come join me on this health journey.

Here’s how:

  • Sign up for my weekly newsletter on the homepage and receive my five favorite sweet protein bites recipes (which are naturally gluten, dairy, and processed sugar free).

Raisinets Protein Bites_F1

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Thanks to all my readers, old and new. I hope you enjoy the new and improved teaspoon living!



11 Responses

  1. Congratulations! Looking forward to the new and improved, though it was very nice to begin with. Let the season begin!

  2. Love the new site! I totally hear you on wanting it to be perfect right off the bat – I wanted to pay someone right away to do my site too, but decided to give it a year to see how I liked it. I had mine done last year around this time! Congrats on becoming a health coach! I look forward to seeing all that you have to offer 🙂

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