Balsamic Chicken & Pear Salad


Time is a precious, precious thing that we are often strapped for during the holidays. I can already feel it slipping away, with a weekend trip coming up and events filling the calendar. These time-consuming activities are usually a lot of fun, but we all need a reminder to make time for some of those healthy routines too. Especially if we want to stay healthy, energized, and in good spirits all month long.


I think one particular thing that we still need to make time for is cooking. I’m not talking cooking every night, I’m talking about making 1-2 homemade healthy meals each week so you know that no matter what the week throws at you, you have a few healthy meals to keep you fed and your energy up. During the holidays, I tend to make the homemade meals a little healthier than usual, because I know I’ll be compensating for some more indulgent holiday meals and treats. I usually also stock my freezer with some vegetable soup, so I know it’s always on hand when I need it.


{Want more healthy holiday tips? It’s not too late to join us for the 12 Days of Healthy Christmas!}


This balsamic chicken and pear salad is a great winter salad to make for lunches this week, or it would also be a festive salad that you can bring to any holiday potluck. It takes a mere 25 minutes to make, and you immediately have 2-3 meals ready to go for lunch or dinner.


Just remember, you aren’t going to enjoy all the fun activities if you are feeling tired and bloated from all that heavy food! So do yourself a favor and make at least one thing each week this month that you know will make you feel your best.


Balsamic Chicken & Pear Salad
Serves 3
A balsamic chicken and pear salad: perfect for a healthy winter lunch, or a festive side dish to bring to your holiday parties!
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Total Time
25 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 2 pieces of organic boneless, skinless chicken breast
  2. 1 ripe pear, quartered, cored, and thinly sliced
  3. 1 medium red onion, sliced in rounds
  4. 2-3 large handfuls spinach, cleaned
  5. 2 tablespoons dried cranberries
  6. 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts
  7. 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  8. 2 teaspoons honey
  9. 3 tablespoons olive oil
  10. Salt and pepper
  1. Preheat the oven to 400F // 200 C.
  2. Stir together the balsamic vinegar and honey in a small bowl. Place the red onions in a medium bowl and stir in one tablespoon of the balsamic and honey mixture.
  3. On a large baking sheet, place the chicken on one side and the onions on the other. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on each of the chicken breasts. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 20 minutes, or until the chicken is no longer pink.
  4. While the chicken is baking, start assembling your salad. Place a handful of spinach on a plate, sprinkle on some chopped walnuts and cranberries, and place the sliced pears on top.
  5. Add olive oil to the balsamic and honey mixture, along with a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir until combined.
  6. Take the chicken out of the oven and let it rest for five minutes before slicing. Once ready, place the sliced chicken on top of the salad, along with the onions. Drizzle on some dressing when ready to eat!
  1. *Dried cherries can replace the cranberries and pecans can replace the walnuts.
  2. **Goat cheese would be a great addition if eating dairy.
Caitlin Ball

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