Cilantro Lime Mocktail

You’ve made your fresh salsa which left you with half a container of cilantro and some lime wedges lying around. Nothing needs to go to waste, because I’ve got something for ya: a cilantro lime mocktail….that can very easily turn into a cocktail if you so please!

In the winter months, I have no problem with water intake because I have a cuppa herbal tea in hand almost all day long. In the summer months, I’m thirsty, so I drink my water, but if you hadn’t noticed, plain water gets a little boring. You probably know how I feel about soda drinking, so that’s out. And iced tea is great on occasion, but it takes some patience in letting it cool down. Patience is not my specialty. When I want a drink, I want a drink.

So, I like to get creative with my warm weather beverages. Last year, I made some delicious ginger lemonade, and this year, I’m back with something just as easy and even healthier. It turns out, cilantro and lime aren’t just a winning combo in Asian and Mexican cuisines. They also pair well in a delicious drink!

Throw in your leftover cilantro, some lime juice, water, and red pepper (if you are feeling spicy) and blend it up. Pour a bit in your cup, add some sparkly, and drink up!

Cilantro Lime Mocktail
Don't let your leftover cilantro and lime go to waste - make yourself a spicy cilantro lime mocktail!
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. Handful of cilantro
  2. ½ cup water
  3. Juice from 1-2 limes
  4. Dash of red pepper flakes (optional)
  5. Sparkling water
  1. Put the first four ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. To serve, put 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture into a glass. Fill the rest of the glass with sparkling water. Add a few ice cubes if you desire.
  1. Optional: Make it a cocktail by adding a shot of clear spirits such as vodka or tequila.
Caitlin Ball

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