Episode #26: Dealing with Setbacks

Dealing with Setbacks on your Intuitive Eating Journey
Photo: Andrea Monica Hug

In today’s solocast, I’m talking all about how to deal with setbacks on your Intuitive Eating journey – because you should know now – you will have them!

Setbacks are a totally normal part of learning how to eat intuitively and I want to help teach you how to use a setback to help propel you forward, instead of sending your further back or causing you to lose motivation.

Listen in to learn about some potential setbacks that might come your way, and how to examine them, get curious about them, and turn them into a useful lesson that will help you reach your overall goal – to feel free around food and confident in your body!

If you are ready to get started, or keep up the motivation to continue on your intuitive eating journey, check out my Quit Dieting for Good program that starts on April 22nd:

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