Ep. #57: How to Start and Maintain a Gratitude Practice

Happy Thanksgiving! Even if it’s just a regular Thursday for you, I hope all is well. And whether you celebrate or not, I hope we can all embrace the spirit of maintaining an ongoing gratitude practice and learning to giving thanks.

Thank You Listeners!

If you’re listening today – thank you. Whether you’re a current client, a friend, or someone I haven’t met {yet}, I value your presence! I have so much gratitude for each and every person who listens, shares, and reaches out to connect.

Also, I believe that the more women prioritize themselves and their self-care, the better the world will be. Thank you for every act of love you’ve shown yourself today, this year, and in your lifetime. It all matters!

And if you’d like to give the show a little love, I would be so grateful if you left a review on Apple podcasts. Or, take a screen shot and share the show on social media channels! (Tag me @caitlinballhealth if you do!) I truly want to help as many women as possible get this message, and every share matters!

Favorite Thanksgiving Gratitude Traditions

In my family, we go around the table and have each person share what they’re thankful for. It is SO much fun every year.

The past few years I’ve celebrated with friends in Switzerland (instead of family), and it was fun to get a different perspective on what people outside my family share.

Want to hear my dinner table preview?

The opportunity to live abroad and meet so many amazing people is a huge part of my list. I know that experience helped shape me into the woman I am today.

In addition, I’m really grateful to be back in the states! Being surrounded by family and friends has been a huge boost in support.

I’m so grateful for this business I’ve created, the clients who have entrusted me to be part of their journeys. Also, super thankful for this podcast, which gives me a platform to spread the message of food freedom and body confidence all over the world. (Plus, I’ve connected with amazing women throughout the interview process, which has been incredible!)

This stage of parenting is a huge joy for me as well. Getting to do that alongside my amazing husband is a huge source of inspiration and encouragement too.

Your Gratitude Practice

Your turn! Are you actually practicing gratitude?

You’ve probably heard that you should…but implementing is another story for many of us!

There are lots of options, and I’d like to share a few with you that might work. My first experience with intentionally thinking about gratitude was connected to Oprah! She encouraged listeners to write down three things they were grateful for every day. I know that  works for some people (and it’s a great idea!), but for whatever reason, it didn’t “stick” for me.

Thankfully, the concept did though! Since then I have found something that works for me. In fact, it works so well I’ve stuck to it for over 2 years now!

I found a 365 day journal in a little shop, and every night before bed I write down what I was grateful for that day. I’m currently using a one-line-a-day journal that’s designed to last for 5 years! I’m really excited about being able to look back on previous years as I note the current day’s gratitude.

I practice gratitude because…

It reminds me how much good there is in the world!

Practicing gratitude helps me to more quickly notice the good around me. When great things happen during the day, I often make a mental note that I want to journal it. That little mental note helps me really SEE the good things, even when they are kind of small and would be so easy to miss.

I have my clients practice gratitude because I want them to see those good things too. (Even in the midst of all the bummer stuff!) We also focus specifically on body gratitude. Often we are so busy criticizing our bodies that we forget all the good stuff about them. Having a gratitude practice helps us gain perspective!

Ideas for Your Gratitude Practice

1. The point is that YOU like your gratitude practice. Just because someone else does something (and loves it), doesn’t mean it will work for you! Try a dedicated journal, a single line journal, an app on your phone, or whatever else strikes your fancy.

It is so empowering to realize that no matter how bad your day was, you CAN find good things about it.

2. Choose one time every day to dedicate to “gratitude time”. Maybe it’s the moment you wake up, on your commute, or right before bed. Pick a time that will allow gratitude to become a regular part of your day, and make it an ongoing habit.

3. Try morning journaling, and see if that will help your gratitude practice. Especially if you already journal, it’s really easy to add a gratitude practice in with just a few extra minutes. This doesn’t tend to work for me, but some people love it! (And remember…it only works if it feels good to you!)

4. Set an intention to search for things to be grateful for throughout the day. When you choose to be on the lookout for amazing things that are happening…you tend to find them! Whether they actually happen more often or not, when you start making an effort to find the good things, you usually do. If we tend to see what we are looking for, why not choose to look for the best?

Whether you try one and love it, take turns giving them a go until one feels good, or you give them all a try, it doesn’t matter. Just commit to taking some sort of action! Once you’ve chosen what you’ll do (trial and error is great!), commit to practicing gratitude every single day for 30 days!

Need accountability?

Join the Intuitive Foodies Facebook Community and let us know what gratitude practice you’ve chosen! We’ll all support one another.

“When you are grateful, the fear disappears and abundance appears.” Tony Robbins

Final Gratitude Moment

Hold your hand on your heart, take a deep breath, and think of one thing you are grateful for right now, in this moment.

If you want to learn more about how to quit dieting for good, you can find me at www.caitlinball.com/quitdieting.

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