Neon Cabo Wabo Toes

Let’s talk about summer toes for a little bit. I have this odd personal pet peeve that doesn’t allow me to wear sandals if my toes aren’t painted. I even have a hard time going to yoga without painted toes, but I managed to get over that since it’s hard to stay motivated to upkeep them in the winter. Normally, by this time of the year, my toes would already be nicely pedicured. But, the cold San Francisco summer hasn’t given me the opportunity to wear sandals.

Alas, the long awaited trip to Cabo San Lucas has arrived! I can’t wait to be poolside, overlooking the ocean, sipping a margarita. I didn’t even pack any closed toed shoes, so a pedicure was in order. I recently came to the realization that I can buy at least two new nail polishes and still have money leftover if I swap a pricey salon pedi for a DIY pedi, so that is what I did.

If you have a festive summer event coming up, you might want to consider painting your toes something like mine! Here’s how:

Grab some neon nail polish from your local drug store.

Paint the first layer white.

Now paint half of your nail (on a diagonal) a neon color, such as this bright yellow/green. Then paint a strip of another color, such as this neon pink, in between the white and yellow.

Have some lunch (like this healthy, cabo diet friendly turkey meatloaf) while you wait for those puppies to dry.

Add some dots in the center line with your nail pen (or use a toothpick with a dab of paint on the end).

And you got yourself some neon summer toes! I’ll be sporting mine in Cabo starting manana.

Any good pet peeves out there I should know about? I don’t want to be the only one to have to share my quirks.

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