Starting with pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving and continuing with the never-ending Christmas cookies, it’s hard not to be tempted by all the holiday sweets. Not to mention my birthday falling in between the two holidays. I spent much of my life eating every holiday dessert in sight, but only allowing myself the indulgence knowing that I would go on a big diet in the New Year. There was a lot of guilt involved in all the cookies I was eating, but I pretended that all that guilt would help me eat perfectly starting January 1st. Once I finally gave up the guilt and started eating more mindfully, I started eating less Christmas cookies. Below are my three reasons why I stopped feeling guilty about eating holiday treats and started truly enjoying them instead. I hope they inspire you to do the same!
- Guilt doesn’t do any good. The guilt I felt after eating a bunch of cookies made me feel bad that I didn’t have better willpower, which then made me want to eat more cookies for comfort. Once I got rid of the guilt, I could eat a delicious cookie or two and move on with my life.
- I stopped eating the OK ones. There are a lot of holiday treats out there that I L-O-V-E (hello peppermint bark and hot chocolate cookies!), but there are a lot that are simply OK. Sugar cookies don’t really do it for me, but I would eat them because they were around. By cutting out the OK sweets, my favorite treats now seem more special and well worth every bite.
- It’s a fun part of the season that I enjoy. As you know, I love baking, I love dessert, and I especially love holiday goodies. Being able to bake and enjoy some of these treats makes me happy. Ya, the baked goods don’t have nutritional value, but they feed the soul! Christmas cookies trigger happy memories for me, between baking with my mom, making gifts for friends, and holiday gatherings. So why feel guilt about something that makes me happy?
Tell me, which holiday desserts make you the happiest?
{the pictured cookie is my no-molasses gingerbread}
One Response
Hello Caitlin!
Congratulations on the new website! I totally understand you, guilt does not make any good 🙂 we have to assume what we like to eat and balance it through the day.
I just had a chocolate cake and feel goooooood about it!
Love the post!
See you soon!