Berry Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Earlier this week, I did an unintentional high intensity workout. This included sprinting back and forth to the U.S. Embassy two times, lots of toe tapping, and leg bouncing. You see, I had a limited time to get my passport renewed and the best way to expedite the process was to turn in the application in person. I organized all my papers over two weeks in advance and packed my bag the night before my appointment. The day of, I got up early enough to do some yoga and make this berry avocado smoothie bowl, and I even made it to the train station with enough time to get my Starbucks chai tea. I was feeling like this was going to be a good day, even though jetlag from my US trip was lingering. 

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I arrived at the Embassy in Bern with ten minutes to spare in hopes to get in and out quick, so I could get to work on time. Upon arrival, I found out that you cannot bring in your iPad, laptop, or cell phone. How did I miss that? I could have sworn I read the website from top to bottom. Well, back to the train station lockers I went (a nice ten minute sprint/walk because I’m terribly out of running shape), threw my bag into a locker, and stumbled back to the embassy, arriving fifteen minutes late to my appointment. I turned in my application, paid the cashier, and all I had to do was wait for them to call my name to give me my receipt. Ten, 20, 30, 45, 60 minutes later I still had no receipt. I already missed my last train to get to work on time (with no cell phone to contact anyone) but I still didn’t understand what was taking so long. I finally asked how much longer it would be when there was an opening at a window. Turns out mine had just gotten lost in the shuffle. Of course. Got the receipt and sprinting back to the train I went. 

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I honestly think it was worse than the DMV. At least the DMV gives you a number so you know if you have enough time for a quick bathroom run. And you can bring whatever forms of entertainment you want to ease the long wait. 

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I know this is a long explanation for a silly morning, but it just reminded me that no matter how prepared I am, there is no guarantee it will turn out as planned. But, lucky for us, with just a little preparation, you can be guaranteed to start your day with a good breakfast. 

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Lately, I’ve been eating smoothie bowls for breakfast. I used to always drink smoothies when I was on-the-go in the morning, but once my mornings slowed down a bit, I didn’t want to drink my breakfast. I wanted to eat it. Now that I realized you can put a smoothie in a bowl and eat it with a spoon, it’s a whole new and luxurious breakfast! Just keep your kitchen stocked with some berries, avocados, spinach, dates, and your favorite milk and you are good to go. 

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Blend it up and you have yourself a sweet and healthy breakfast, loaded with protein and veggies that you don’t even notice. 

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A bowl and spoon to the healthy breakfast rescue. 

Berry Avocado Smoothie Bowl
Serves 1
This berry avocado smoothie bowl is a great way to start your day with protein, veggies, and antioxidants galore.
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 12 small strawberries, destemmed
  2. 1/2 cup blueberries
  3. 1/2 avocado
  4. 2 handfuls spinach or kale
  5. 2 pitted dates
  6. 1/2 cup milk of choice (or coconut water)
  1. Throw everything into the blender and blend until smooth. Serve in a bowl and add any of your favorite toppings such as cacao nibs, flax seeds, chia seeds, or chopped nuts.
Caitlin Ball

6 Responses

    1. it’s worth it just to change things up! but there is nothing wrong with a smoothie on the run 🙂

  1. This looks so fun and delicious! I need to try a smoothie bowl – I love smoothies but I end up drinking them too fast and then I’m hungry because I feel like I never actually “ate” anything!

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